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The St.Petersburg Forest Technical Academy is one of the oldest and probably the largest University in the field of forestry and forest industries in the world.The Academy's history goes back to the year 1803.

The Academy has 8 facilities and 50 departments. About 8000 students and postgraduate students are studying on all directories and specialities in forestry and forest industry.

The Academy's graduates are working all over the world;many of them as a head of the largest departments of forestry, forest commities, forest management enterprises, research and educational instituts, supplies the market with the forest products, preserves the forest wealth of the world.

Academy's buildings,dormetories, stadium and houses are situated on the territory of beautiful park - an exellent research and training base for forestry students and recreational area for citizens of the surrounding areas.The park with total area 64 ha has more than 2000 species of trees and shurbs as domestic, as introduced from all continents. Tropical and subtrpical species are nursered in greenhouses. Botanical garden conducting seeds exchange with 240 botanical gardens in the whole world.

The Principal of the Forest Technical Academy since 1984 is - acadeicion og the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russian Federation, professor, doctor of technical sciences and academion of St.Petersburg Academy of Engineering- honourable person of science of Russia Federation, Onegin Vladimir Ivanovich.


Academy has it's branch organized in Syktyvkar, in Komi Republic, which specializes in training specialists for nothern regions, for Komi Republic forest industry. The Institute has been providing daytime, evening and corresponding education in the following fields:
-Forestry and urban forestry
-Forest engineering
-Machines and mechanisms of forestry and forest industries
-Chemical technology of wood and wood materials
-Industrial and civil construction
-Automobiles and motor transport
-Economics and administration in chemical and forest complex.


Since 1992 education has been reorganized and the new system is gradually taken into use.The new study program consists of four-year Bachelor study with following either Master of Science or Engineer study. The four year Bachelor program includes two years of special courses. It can be completed with three-year diploma program or non- diploma program. The Master of Science program educates researchers and teachers. The Engineer program educates specialists for practical or commercial work. The studying program for Master degree oral defense of thesis is compulsory. For Engineer degree a set of exames and a diploma-work is required. It is possible for Masters and Engineers to continue postgraduate education and receive Candidat of Science and Doctor of Science degree after oral defence of thesis.


Basal library formed during about 200 years and consists of 2 million units. Academy's library contains one of the worlds largest collection of forest science.
The museum of general forestry, the museum of forest entomology, the museum of zoology and hunting, the museum of forest soils, herbarium of forest plants are well known among the specialists of these fields.


The Academy has two field training stations for practical training, field courses and research work on civilcultural disciplines. The Ohta leshoz is located on the eastern side of St.Petersburg. The total area of the leshoz is 1729 hectares. The Ohta leshoz is the finest natural laboratory for studying megapolis influence on the forest ecosystems. It is also a base for studying and research work for Biologcal facility of St.Petersburg University and many city hich schools.
Lisino field station is located 60 km south from St.Petersburg and has 30 000 hectares of forests. The Lisino training forest represents the southern taiga(boreal coniferous)zone. About 9000 hectares of virgin spruce forest is protected. The long-time permanent civilcultural experiments with different tree species, cutting experiments, dendrological, forest production as well as forest pathology and protection experiments have been established and are conducting now in the area.


Students and the staff of the Academy like sport and they have high results and awards in numerous sport competitions. The most popular sports in the Academy are ice-hockey, football, basketball, autorally. Students have a possibility to train many kinds of sport. The Academy has an exellent stadium, sport halls, tennis courts, autorally base and a ski base in a well known place, Kavgolovo. Academy also has two places for resting or sport training, one in Leningrad region(Glubokoe Lake) and the other on the Black Sea(Sochi). And Academy's Club is a place to spend time and relax.

Copyright © 2001 Andrzej Bohosiewicz.